The origins
Today it is very difficult to go back to the dawn of the use of stone in our valleys, since since the most remote times the
local shepherds used to exploit it as a building material and especially as a "losa" to cover their own
rural housing. At that time the stone was extracted with hard work, totally manual, from small outcrops
natural that were particularly flaky and workable with the very few tools available, coming later
mainly used locally.
The real exploitation of the fields began in the mid-1800s when, on the initiative of some enterprising local entrepreneurs,
the marketing of the few products then made began; it was an instant success that grew in a short time
bringing work, relative well-being and above all a new mentality that pushed no longer to consider extraction
of stone as a complement to agricultural life, but as a source of full-time work for most of the valley dwellers.
This success was determined because the material, which is naturally shale and therefore easily workable, did not fear comparisons
in matters of hardness, wear and frost resistance; moreover it was proposed as a very valid architectural element for
the realization not only of the classic roofs, but also of modillions, balconies, road pavements, and of every element
that should inextricably combine elegance, practicality, economy and durability.
However, these were times when the precarious working conditions, the difficulties in transporting downstream, the scarce means a
arrangement, made the quarryman's work one of the hardest and most tiring of the time. Without major variations, it went on
until the second post-war period when, above all thanks to the arrival of the first motorized vehicles, the technical evolution began
brought, with a dizzying climb of the excavation capacity, up to the present day.
Today the Luserna stone, in its quarrying basin included in the Municipalities of Bagnolo P.te, Luserna San Giovanni and Rorà,
as well as in the Municipalities interested in downstream processing, in addition to the aforementioned also Cavour, Barge, Bibiana,
Bricherasio and others, provides work for thousands of people and is known and appreciated all over the world with products that
ranging from historical and handmade ones, to the most innovative and refined ones made with all kinds of machinery,
able to further enhance those unique characteristics that have always distinguished it and that have contributed
in recent years to make it one of the most popular materials in the field of ornamental stones. In conclusion we can
to affirm that today it is an exceptional "business card" recognized everywhere for those who, like us, extract it and work.
Our company is now the concessionaire of two quarries in the Luserna stone basin, with shareholdings in others.